Reputation Score
An app developer can share the user's data in the app, defined as the reputation score of the user in the app, with the FSL ID ecosystem. And, of course, he can also retrieve the user's reputation score shared by other apps in the ecosystem. All FSL products have or are about to share their reputation score with this ecosystem.
Define a Reputation Score
The app developer can define a limited number of Reputation Scores for his app at the developer console (Not ready right now). All the created Reputation scores of the app will be shared among all FSL ID developers. Thus, we have some best practices for you.
Define a concise but accurate name for the created score and give a thorough description, including the definition of the score, the data type, etc
Name the score in
Pascal Case,
with space between words.Keep the definition not changed once finalized. Remove and create a new one if changes are required.
Define desensitize rules if you don't want to share the original score data with other developers with user privacy considerations.
Score Structure
Defining a score at the app level is quite flexible, but it may lead to low maintainability and usability.
Take the trading volume score as an example, it is a key indicator to understand a user. With the efforts of all the app developers in the FSL ID ecosystem, each app has defined and uploaded its trading volume score, which may have different names. This makes it difficult to consume the score for other developers. A trade volume score that aggregates all volumes across all apps can solve this problem.
Aggregated Score
The score is defined at the global level and aggregates all app-level data. All global score name is reserved. Developers are not able to create scores with names reserved.
Global Score
Reserved global score that doesn't require aggregating app-level data.
App-level score
Defined by developers for each app.
Score Dimension
Defined 4 Dimensions overall, "ALL", "30D", "7D", "1D". Every score has data in 4 dimensions. However, we may only provide a few dimensions for different scores.
ALL: Whole Lifetime
30D: Recent 30 days
7D: Recent 7 days
1D: Recent 1 day
Global Scores
Trading Volume
Aggregated Score, long type, with 6 decimals, counted in USDT.
Trading Volume
score aggregates all the volumes made across all apps in the FSL ID ecosystem, counted in USDT. Represented in 5 tiers according to the volume size. Providing score at "ALL" and "30D" dimensions
Aggregated Score, bool type, 1 means active while 0 means inactive.
score aggregates all active or not from all apps. A user who is active in one app is active at a global level. Represented in 5 tiers according to the active day in the time frame. Providing score at "30D" and "7D" dimensions.
Global Score, numeric type, value from 0 to 100.
score is a global score compiled by FSL ID. It is not an aggregated score.
Last updated